
Saturday, 5 September 2015


Recently, I got super frustrated by the slow progress we have making (partly because I didn't invest enough time with her) that I stepped up our phonics reading this week.
At first our phonics learning went very well. She could decode 'at' family words very well. Until she tried 'ug' words. She had a lot of trouble sounding out 'mug' and kept reading it as 'mat' or even 'pup'.
I still remember that despite explaining to her over and over again, she simply couldn't get it. What baffled me was that she could sound out 'bug' but not 'mug' and 'rug'.
I got so frustrated that I smashed our doodle board on the floor in anger. YES, ME! I get into a monster mad mom rage too. We all do right? Keeping it real here.
On hindsight, she couldn't sound out 'mug' and 'rug' possibly because she has never heard nor used these words before. We don't use these words, we always use 'cup' for 'mug' and 'mat' for 'rug'. Now I know why is it important to speak to the child as much as we can. Being familiar to words by hearing also helps the child to decode and read.
So anyway, after that mad rage I hid in my room to calm myself down. Some fairy must have sprinkled some magic dust during this time. Because when I got out, she miraculously could sound out the words. And not just the 'ug' words!
She went on and sounded out ALL the words on these cards that I printed  from 3 Dinosaurs blog. Who would have thought! Don't ask me what happen, I truly have no idea.
Since she was getting the hang of it, I got her a set of BOB books for her to give meaning to her new found skill- read in complete sentences. She's doing very well!
At the same time, she is learning new words from school (mostly sight words). Each time she brings home a reader, I would test her by extracting the words and get her to read them as stand alone. I am happy that she is truly recognising the words and not merely memorising the book.
Together with her new found skill and the words she learnt in school, she is able to read simple books like 'Come back Ben'.
We Have Fun Ladybird Key Words with Peter And Jane 2a  by Murray, W.-HB
I got so excited that I even picked up a Peter and Jane book. Never before! I never like Peter and Jane books but, I looked through the books and found that the methodology works well for Doll. She is about 2a/3a level. But I decided to start her with 2a first. I may or may not continue with this series, let' see!
I am SO glad we have made another step forward after dragging our feet for so long!

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