
Thursday, 4 July 2013

Homemade Printables

This week, doll had some fun with  math printable made by mama.
Matching colored symbols.
For each symbol, I made two of each but in different colors. I wanted to her to exercise her observational skills i.e it may be the same shape but is it the same color?

Matching numbers from 11-20.
This was intended for her to learn counting beyond 10. She is at this moment comfortable in counting from 1-12 and then it gets fuzzy in between but picks up again from 18-20. Hee Hee!

A montessori inspired number board. Instead of the 100 board, i made a 20 board for doll to arrange the numbers in order. 
Another printable to help her in counting.
Each tree has a number indicated on it and she has to put the corresponding number(s) of apple(s) on them. The permanent Velcro stuck on each tree acts as a control of error for her. It guides her on the exact number of apples she should put.

Tong-ing cotton balls.
I thought she didn't have the ability to use tongs which was why i put this activity off for a long time. I have under estimated her. She took this like a professional! She even knows how to angle the tongs such that she can clip the balls into place. Lesson learnt from this mama!


  1. How old is babydoll? Perhaps you could also tag the age group in your posts? Thanks!

  2. Thanks for the suggestion! Doll just turned 2 few months back. :)

  3. Hi! Would u mind sharing some of the printables? They r so simple but beautifully made! It is ok if you don't want to share or you can do a post re: how u do it? Either way thanks a lot!

    1. Hi! Thanks for the compliment! I'll put it up under my printables folder as soon as I can yah? Look out for it!

    2. Thanks alot for sharing yr hard work!

    3. you're welcome! Thanks for showing appreciation, it makes sharing more worthwhile. :)

  4. Sorry! Another qns : where do u buy the velcro tape from? Thanks!

    1. I got it at popular bookshop. Hmm, I get this question lots, I think I'll post a picture of the Velcro on my fb- look out for that one too! :D

    2. Saw it in yr facebook! Thanks! Will check it out when i have the time to go Popular. Didnt know it is called "fastening tape" =P Thanks alot!

  5. These ideas are sooooo cool la, gonna borrow your creativity to make these for the kids! Thanks for sharing!
