
Saturday, 9 March 2013

Week #9- Babydoll

Our work shelf is pretty much the same as last week. Babydoll is still working on the Montessori Pink tower and word matching cards. She is improving! Yeah!
Some other things we did. Working on this animal puzzle. Too easy for her but i took it out just to spice our work shelf a little. Also, as she work on them, it gave me a chance to name the animals in mandarin. So happens that we are reading an animal book that has exactly the same set of animals as this puzzle!

She worked on alphabet puzzle. She loves to push each foam pieces out of its place. Through this work, i accidentally found out she could sound out the letters 'm, o and s'! Hooray!

We have doing sorting since last week, i was too lazy to take pictures. We sorted with lots of stuff around the house like red dates, macaroni, barley seeds and duplo. In the above picture, doll was sorting the duplos by color. Like any Montessori work, i didn't have to 'teach' her, i just sat & watched. It was intriguing that whenever she placed the wrong color duplo under a column, she would freeze for a moment, looking at the piece hard. Then in seconds, she would remove the piece and place it at its corresponding color column. She did this without me prompting her her error. :)

A new stuff we did. I made two print outs. On one, there is an oval and circle, on the other sheet, there is the square and rectangle. Previously, doll would name ovals as circles and rectangles as squares. Hence, i deliberately printed t he two similar shapes in the same sheet, side by side. Again, this was kind of inspired by Montessori. I didn't need to give her a whole load of explanation that rectangles has longer lengths than its breaths while squares have equal dimensions all side. All i had to do was to point to the square and say 'Square' and same to the rectangle. Instantly, a child would be able to see that two shapes are different. Soon after this activity, she is able to show me which is oval and which is rectangle.

I also made phonics book. On each page is a letter and a picture that starts with that letter. I do not say the name of the letter but i say its sound as we go through the book.

I made a similar book but this time is pictures of our family. Not that she can't recognise who is who in the family, this book was more for word recognition.

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